“Founder” of Residential Defence CoachingHeartiest greetings to all career makers.Education is a valuable part of life and employment oriented education is one of such mediums, with which young generation can reach from common to special personality in their lives. In this era of competition and increasing inflation day by day, most of the parents feel uncomfortable about their children’s govt job.
Along with fulfilling the basic need of the family, every parent wish that his child should get a govt job at the young age after completing 12th class. We understood and kept this dream of parent alive.
Realizing this anguish of the minds of parents, we established the Residential Defence Coaching named “Tagore Coaching Centre” in 2007 to fulfill the above objective. Owing to the incredible support of parents/guardians, our skilled management, hard discipline and hard work, we are recognized as the “founder” of residential defence coaching.It is in human nature that everyone likes and has an intense zeal to get a government job at an early age , working on the principle of this “हमारा सपना, घर–घर में एयरमैन / सेलर हो अपना“, we have turned it into reality. Our coaching history is a witness of it. In the future we also will try to turn your dreams into reality so that parents and young generations who join us will never be disappointed.With best wishes for your happy and self-reliant future.